

时间: 2016-10-08


分时资本无论是天使轮投资、 VC投资、PE投资、pre-IPO等都在业界形成巨大影响力,投资领域主要在互联网+产业升级、教育、影视文化、户外休闲旅游、大健康、智能硬件、生物医药、医疗机械、环保科技等领域。

分时资本通过帮助创业者价值投资、人脉资源和渠道资源整合、创业辅导和风险把控实现价值再造,提高创业成功的机率,加速创业成功的速度,共享创业成果。分 时资本将侧重于种子期和天使轮投资,注重管理团队能力、企业商业模式、运营能力、企业战略方向、行业发展前景等“基本面”的考察。同时凭着丰厚的投资界人 脉资源为创业企业A、B、C轮融资寻找VC投资、PE投资、以及战略投资者(包括上市公司)投资或合作投资。
   分时资本团队为商界领袖级人物和行业专业人士组成,具有丰富的各行业实战经验,以及各专业知识结构,特别是丰厚的人脉资源和渠道资源,能为合作企业实现 价值再造,并且对接更多资源对合作企业进行财务、法律、商业模式、经营管理等方面辅导,避免企业走弯路、走错路、走不回路。 
   在追求卓越、坚守诚信、分享共赢的价值观驱使下,分时资本与环球资本旗下的荣耀基金、硅谷幼发拉底产业基金、凯泰资本、加恩资本、老鹰基金、以及多家上 市公司等国内外专业投资机构及实业建立了良好的战略合作伙伴关系,充分发掘各自优势,达到合作共赢。公司内部机制健全,机构设置合理,管理机制灵活,发展 思路明确。本着勇于开拓、诚信务实、团结创新的企业精神,分时资本用国际视野的投融资讯为载体,凭借多年积累的独特资源与资本价值,正以大气磅礴之势迈向 行业巅峰。

About Timing Capital


Timing Capital is an enterprise invested by ZhejiangCalilee Technology Group as a new economy and new industry. Timing Capital holds on the principles of cooperation, sharing and win-win, and believes in the recreation of capital value and renovation of operation.Timing Capital has a standardized investment operation process and a comprehensive risk control system, which boast a good reputation within the industry.


Timing Capital, whether at the stage of angel investment, or VC or PE and pre-IPO, will have a huge influence on its main areas of investment, i.e., internet +industry upgrading, education, visual media, tourism, health, intelligent hardware, medical equipment and environment-friendly technology.


Timing Capitalwill help entrepreneursto achieve value recreation by integration of investments, contact resources andchannel resources, and by providing entrepreneurship counseling and riskcontrol, to enhance the chances ofbusiness success, speed up the journey to success, and share the achievements. Timing Capitalwill focus on the seed stage and angel investment and put a strong emphasis on the inspection of“the basics”, such as team management, business model, business operation, business strategy anddevelopment prospects. With an influential network of investors, Timing Capital will connect start-up companies in need of financing at round A, B or C with VC investment, PE investment, strategic investors (including the listed companies) and cooperative investment.


Timing Capital is mainly composed of topbusiness leaders and professionals who have accumulated years of practical experiences and expertise. In particular, they have business connections andchannel resources that will helpenterprises recreate capital value andintegrate more resources to offer guidance and consultation on various aspects of finance,law, business model,and management, to avoid making the same old mistakes.


Driven by the values ofexcellence, honesty and win-win sharing, Timing Capital has established a goodstrategic partnership withmany domestic and foreign investment institutions and enterprises, such as Kaitai Capital, Jiaen Capital, Eagles Capital, DFJ Capital and many listed companies, to fully discover their advantages and potentials and achievea win-win cooperation. The company has a sound internal system, reasonable structure, flexible management and clear developmentstrategy. With the spirit of courage, honesty, unity and innovation, Timing Capitalwill stand on a globalized financing vision, move forward with years of unique resources and capital valve, and run to the peak of this field.

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